Boat Share | Jemima D
General information
Type of scheme |
There are no shares advertised for
sale on this boat on boatshare at present.
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potential advertiser to re-use
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BEWARE If somebody advertises a share for sale elsewhere and just posts a link to this page for more information about their boat then that person may not be a legitimate owner. A person advertising here has invested £50 in their advert up-front and it is unlikely to be a scam. |
Nominal number of sharers | |
Year of build | |
Home mooring (2023) | |
Length | |
Engine Type (last known) | |
Berths | |
Change over day | |
Are pets allowed | |
Is smoking allowed inside | |
Booking system | |
Priority for school holidays | No such scheme on this boat |
General Comments About the Boat
Open interior, with toilet at the front, then galley, then seating/dining area that converts into sleeping area
New baseplate 2023
Pictures of the boat
Specific details for the share offered
Size of share as a percentage or fraction | 12th |
Price in UK Pounds | £1,650 |
Reason for selling | Change of circumstances |
Pre-booked weeks included | None selected but plenty available |
Holiday entitlement with share offered here. | Guaranteed two weeks per year, more as available. |
School holiday option possible? | No such scheme on this boat |
Running costs for 2023 (How do these figures compare? Link opens new window) | Members pay £540 per year each irrespective of how much they use the boat, and additionally £50 per week that they use the boat. |
How are the running costs to be apportioned | The incoming owner would be asked to pay for the year as outlined above assuming they use the boat for 2+ weeks. |
Contact details for vendor | |
General comments by vendor
We have members from across the country, from Brighton and Somerset, up to Middlesbrough.
Jemima is owned and run by a co-operative. What this means is that all members have an equal say in what happens in the co-op, and have to be willing to work together and to participate in decision making.
It also means that everyone has an equal responsibility for running the co-op and maintaining Jemima, within the limits of their skills, ability and circumstances.
There are a few particular roles, such as bookings coordinator, webmaster, treasurer and maintenance co-ordinator, that members may take on for a while and then pass on to other members.
Twice a year as many of us as possible meet up, bringing food to share, to socialise and discuss co-op business (but recently we have been meeting via Zoom). There is also an e-mail list and a WhatsApp group for discussions and messages. And you can find us on Facebook
The Jemima D Narrowboat Co-operative's Aims and Objectives are to own and use the boat co-operatively for members to have non-sexist, non-racist, non-ageist, non-etc, enjoyable holidays on the canals.
There are 12 shares, each costing the price as shown above (a one-off payment), plus annual subs, again as shown above, which cover regular maintenance, Canal & River Trust (CaRT) licences, mooring fees and insurance.
There is also a modest usage cost of £50 per week, or £10 per day, although any consumables bought while on board, such as gas, diesel, etc can be reclaimed from central funds.
The boat had a full survey in 2022 and a copy is available for anyone to read should they request it.
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